Monday, March 1, 2010

Winter, hurry up and be over!

This weekend I used my bike to run an errand or two around the neighborhood for the first time this calendar year. Yes, it was a little chilly (in the upper 30s), but for the first time in a while the snow was melted and the roads were dry.

While I like to ride my bike, I am a bit of a chicken when it comes to riding in the winter in Boston. I do not care for the cold at all, and I find it a bit scary to ride in the dark when there aren't many people out and about. And winter here always seems cold and/or dark.

But Sunday I grabbed one of my bicycles, found my helmet and some decent gloves, and rode to the store for milk and juice. I'll be honest, it was less than a mile and a half round-trip. It was long enough to remind me of a few important things, though. First, the importance of keeping some tissues handy. I'm not sure why, but when it is cold outside, my nose starts to run like crazy as soon as I stop on the bike. Second, I forgot how much more often you need to blink when riding in the cold! Third, and most important, I remembered why I like riding my bike so much. It was great to feel the effort I put into riding and see the resulting increase in speed. That is something that you just don't get at the gym.

I enjoy seeing the neighborhood and the people out and about when I ride my bike. I notice things that I just don't see when I am driving my car or walking down the same streets. When I'm driving, I'm going just fast enough that I don't notice the small things, like another condo up for sale or someone's new flower box. When I'm walking down the sidewalk, I'm so close to the buildings that I don't feel I really take it all in- plus it feels a bit creepy to really look around when you are moving that slow. Boston is definitely more of a "Keep your head down and just keep walking" city than a "Wave, smile, and nod at your neighbors" city.

So, winter, finish up your evil ways! Spring, hurry up so I can ride my bike around town!